Info update
+ Book Talim Muta Alim & translation
+ Book Washoya (The morals of children) & Translations
+ Book Alaala & translation
Applications Bidayatul Hidayah & Translations is a discussion of the initial process of a servant to get guidance from Allah Ta'ala, where the servants desperately need help and guidance from Him. Also explained about the impediments and obstacles scattered around, when a servant tried to get closer to the Creator, through the ordinances and manners were correct.
This book outlines Bidayatul Applications Hidayah & Terjemah contains three parts. Namely, part of adab-adab of obedience, the part about leaving immoral, and the section on associating with humans, the Creator, and our fellow creatures. Hopefully this app can be useful. ameen.
For application development, if there are criticisms and suggestions please send it via email us at;